Hello there. It’s me and sorry I haven’t written for a while. Actually, I’ve been writing almost everyday, just not putting it on my website - some of it’s R-rated.
Things are good here in Girl Singer land. January was busy with a couple great gigs. One at The Pump Roadhouse and that’s always fun to play there. The other was in Forget, Saskatchewan. Yes, Forget. The population is 34. The town is small and almost not there anymore except it is so alive with the Ananda Arthouse. The owners, Shannon and Don came in and bought the old rectory from the Catholic Church and turned it into a beautiful bed and breakfast. They run it with Shannon’s parents, Hank and Gida as well as a young woman, Heidi. Folks came from at least an hour rural radius to be at the gig. It was intimate and unforgettable in Forget, Saskatchewan. I hope they have me back soon.
I went on a diet in January and gained 10 pounds. It’s true. I’m officially off my diet and kick me if I ever go on one again.
My youngest daughter, Josi, says she wants to be a famous movie star when she’s older. We encourage her to reach for her dreams so she’s been in a drama class since September and in January, we got her and Mae an agent. There’s quite a bit of film work here in Regina. After sending in photos, the agent agreed to meet the girls to see if we would take our working relationship further. We met her on a Thursday and it went very well. Friday morning Josi’s sauntering around the house wondering why her agent hasn’t called her yet. The girl cracks me up. My little DIVA.
I’m on the host committee for the Saskatchewan Country Music Awards that take place here in Regina from March 18 - 20. I’m learning a huge amount about what goes on behind the scene’s at these events. I strongly recommend every artist be on a host committee at some point in their career. The earlier the better. The amount of volunteer hours required to put on an event like this is overwhelming and I had no idea. The weekend is shaping up great and I‘m very excited about what we have accomplished. We have Tom Jackson, Tim Taylor, Steve Fox and Casey Clarke all coming to take part. Find out more about that at www.scma.sk.ca Oh yeah, you’ll see my name five times under the nominees category - female vocalist - single of the year - composer of the year - album of the year and rising star woo hoo!
I hope all is well with you. Thanks for checking out my website and I’d love to hear from you. Take care.