It’s been so long since my last post. Maybe you were thinking I’d blown away in the high Saskatchewan winds. No chance of that happening! I’ve got a strong foundation keeping me grounded and I’m happy to say there are many wonderful things unfolding in my world.
My most recent news is the launch of my second book,
Who’s That Man?. My beautifully talented friend,
Megan Mansbridge – who also illustrated my first book,
Linger, has joined me again along with Heather from Your Nickel’s Worth Publishing, to transform my song, “Who’s That Man?”, into an amazingly illustrated children’s book. The story comes from some of my family history with WWII. It’s a story about a homecoming – separated by war, a small boy (my dad) meets his father (my grandfather) for the first time and finds they have been connected by love all along. The book is a 32-page hardcover and comes with a DVD. (The DVD is the actual song synced with the illustrations). Also on the DVD is a conversation I had with my dad, Gerry Duncan, about his memories of his dad’s homecoming. The book is beautiful and it’s available on my newly redesigned website!
The summer of 2009 found me in the cast of the Western Canadian debut of “Canada’s Songbird: A Musical Tribute to Anne Murray” at the Souris Valley Theatre in Estevan SK. This was the first time I had ever performed in a musical theatre. When rehearsals started I was timid and scared. Compared to the rest of the cast, I was the green one. I was out of my comfort zone. I felt like I was in over my head. But, it was one of the best gigs I have ever had. The cast and crew were amazing – every single one of them. I made so many new lifelong friends. (Check out a short backstage video of us here: And, singing Anne Murray songs and talking about her life was a real honour. I’m a bigger Anne Murray fan than ever. It sounds like the cast will be gathering again in the spring to take the show on the road. I’ll keep you posted.
As far as gigs these days, I’m really enjoying performing with my daughter, Mae. She’s sixteen now. She plays the keys and sings – her voice is kind of bluesy – and I play my guitar and harmonize. We are working on building our repertoire and I’m sure any recording I do in the near future will include her.
I’ll say good bye for now. I hope things are well on your end. Please join Megan and me to help us celebrate the launch of Who’s That Man?. We’ll be at:
Book and Brier in Regina SK, 2pm, Saturday,
November 7, 2009 and
Lumsden Library, Lumsden SK, 7pm, Monday,
November 9, 2009
If you can’t join us for these dates, you can find the book on my website – my newly redesigned website
Take care and I’d love to hear from you.