Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Getting ready for Calgary
Yes, things are moving. I’m really excited about my showcase. I’ve been busy getting all the promotions stuff together for the CCMAs. I’m fortunate to have two fantastic women working with me to get my promos ready. Tania Wolk and Brita Lind . I’m hoping the event will open a few more doors for me. I know I’m ready for it. In the past few years I’ve been waiting in the wings, watching and learning. I’ve been preparing long enough. I pray every day for strength from God, my Angels and my Spirit Guides to help me follow through. It’s time. Speaking of time, I better get my ass in gear. Our oldest has to dance this morning. All three of the girls slept out on the trampoline last night. They’re just dragging themselves back inside. My time is up. I hope to see you soon.