Hope this finds you healthy and happy. Life is vibrant as ever here in Girl Singer Land. I'm heading west for a short tour over the May long weekend. Check out my appearances page for details of the tour. Really looking forward to smelling that mountain air and hearing my yodels bounce off the Rockies.
I started a writing group that meets a couple times a month. We've been at it since February. We pick a new title at the end of each session and then everyone goes home and writes from the same title using their own perspective. Some interesting stuff coming out of these meetings. I'm digging it and I'm writing more than I have in a long time.
My book, "Linger", is taking wonderful shape. The artist, Megan Mansbridge, is almost done the illustrations. I'll keep you posted on its fall release. It's going to be fantastic!
On the homefront, I've taken on the duties of Assistant Coach for Josi's (our youngest daughter's) softball team. Lots of fun teaching these young ones how to play ball. I'm trying hard not to be too competitive, but I've got them all on a nutritious eating regime and strict exercise plan - just kidding.
Mae (our middle one) has been busy singing a bit and playing the piano, but her biggest dilemma is deciding what to wear to school the next day and figuring out how to do her hair. She really cracks me up with how serious she is about it. Crystal (our oldest) is graduating at the end of May. Wow! how times flies - Johnny Reid knows what he's talking about in his latest song. Better go pack for the tour west. Take care and I'd love to hear from you.
p.s. The bass playing is coming along. I love it! I'll be breaking it out for a few songs during this tour.