Tuesday, October 26, 2010

South East Saskatchewan Tour

Good Morning!

I just returned from a wonderful author tour of South East Saskatchewan.  I had ten stops in all from Kipling to Kennedy, Carlyle (Regional Library as well as the school), Manor, Maryfield, Moosomin (Regional Library too), Wapella and Whitewood.  The tour was arranged by Pam Foy.  Pam is a newly retired teacher and she is part of the South East Regional Reading Council as well as the Saskatchewan Reading Council (I hope I have that correct).  She is a gem!  She's beautiful, fun, smart, organized, energetic and loving.  I'm thankful that she helped to introduce me and my work to so many new people.  Everywhere I went I was welcomed with open arms.  Thanks, Pam! 

Aside from the author visits, Pam took me to a tea house in Fairlight, Saskatchewan.  Amazing!  Fairlight is a small village, I don't even think there are a hundred people living there, but in the center of the town is the most fantastic tea house owned by the charasmatic Brenda. I loved her right away.  I had the best coffee at the tea house and was served delicious, fresh bisquits along with cheese and jam.  That was only the second time I had met Pam and I was really trying to mind my manners and there were other people sitting at tables around me enjoying huge, decadent deserts. But truthfully, those bisquits were so good, I just wanted to inhale them like the cookie monster eats cookies.  I controlled myself - well, I think I did.  The tea house is also full of beautiful giftware.  Paintings, kitchen gadgets, furniture, pottery and the list goes on.  I plan go back there before Christmas with my family.

Today I'm off to Southey School for another author visit.  I can't wait. 

I want to say thank you big time to the Saskatchewan Writer's Guild who helps to fund my author visits.  I appreciate what they do there and that they are helping me get my work out into the world.  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!

Time to go.  The girls are in the kitchen making breakfast and I love to visit with them before they go to school.

Have a great day.

