Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Singing For The Queen
It was an honour. It was exciting. It was intense. It was amazing. Mostly it was scarey fun singing for the Queen, her husband and about 600 other guests at the Premier's Luncheon held in Lumsden. It took some major yoga the weeks prior to be able to stay grounded and do what I was invited to do. My song, "Who's That Man", helped get me this prestigious gig. It's the 60th year of the vet and the Queen and her husband hold the veterans close in their hearts. I was invited to sing "Who's That Man" for them to offer an angle to WWII that isn't often talked about. For those of you who don't know, this song is about my dad as a four year old boy finally meeting his dad for the first time when he returns from the war. You can hear "Who's That Man" right here on my website under music and if you like it just click over to merchandise and get yourself a copy. Enough self promotion.
My maternal grandmother came from England and she has always shown interest in the monarchy, but I've felt quite removed from the whole thing. But to be able to see The Queen up close and watch her people work around her was fascinating. Security was intense. I was told that there were a couple dry walk throughs involving 57 people from Buckingham Palace, Ottawa, the protocol office in Regina and who knows from where else months before the Queen arrived. Every minute of the luncheon was sheduled. I think I sang at 2:07. I didn't actually meet her, but her table was right in front of me as I was singing. She looked beautiful, kinda like a grandma and her husband looked very handsome. They both appeared to be interested in my song. I had Ray Bell playing guitar with me and the performance went very well. I remembered the words, the chords, but should have remembered to breath a bit more. I had a lot of people come up to me after to say they loved the song. Too bad I didn't have a merch table there. Next time, I'll ask for that in my contract (just kidding).
Thank you so much to the people in Lumsden planning the Queen's Visit, the protocol office in Regina for putting my name and music forward to the Premiere for approval and pushing for me to perform "Who's That Man", "O'Canada" and "God Save The Queen" for The Queen. It was a huge honour that made national and international news that could only happen because of the help from the local people that know and love my music. I appreciate their support so much and I really hope I did them proud.
Take care and I hope to hear from you soon.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Getting Ready
Hello there. Thanks for checking out my website. Well, only one more sleep until I get to sing for the Queen. I am so excited. I'm honored that I get to sing a song that I wrote about my family history with war to the Queen and her husband, The Duke of Edinburgh as well as 600 other invited guests. I was at the rink last night for the official rehearsal for tomorrow's lunch. The place looks fantastic. I've never seen my local rink look so clean and so fancy. It's obvious folks have been working hard to prepare for the Queen's visit. There was a certain buzz in the air at the rink last night. Lots of smiling going on and laughter. Nervous laughter maybe, but joyful that our town is hosting the Queen for lunch. Everybody involved wants things to be just right for her. This "getting ready" thing is so fun. So I sang my song and it felt good. Her table will be only a few feet away from me. I'm trying so hard to stay grounded and not be goofy and flighty when I see her so close. There's at least a couple sides to me. One is a cool, gathered goddess and another is a big goof ball, kinda like a teenager. I'm expecting the grounded girl goddess to rise up tomorrow at noon. The goof ball teenager can push her way through after the Queen leaves Lumsden.
I have to be there at 11:00 am tomorrow. Once I get the girls off to school, I plan to do a major yoga session. Lots of focusing and meditating going on. Then I'll get good looking and head out. What do you think about a white suit? I plan to kick some serious ass tomorrow. Pray for me.
I'll let you know how it goes. Take care.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Girl Singer News
National Organ Donor Awareness Week Marny was on hand to sing a couple songs to help kick off National Organ Donor Awareness Week, April 18.
Marny feels strongly about this cause, as she herself only has one kidney. Please talk to your family about your wishes.
Her Majesty Beckons
Marny is thrilled to announce that she has been invited to sing for the Queen of England during the Premier's Lunch, Wednesday, May 18.
Listen for an interview with Marny on CBC Radio One's "Roundup", Tuesday May 17 between 3:00-3:30 pm.
Before Marny knew anything about the exciting opportunity, the powers-that-be were listening to Marny's music and doing a background check to see if she would measure up. They then invited Marny to sing her song Who's That Man for the Queen. The song, which appears on Marny's debut album, is about some of her family history with war.
Wish her luck. She will be writing about the experience in her web journal, so check that out a couple days after May 18, '05! To find out more about the song or to purchase the album, check out
Hello Nova Scotia
Marny is heading east to Nova Scotia from May 19-26. She'll be doing a radio tour as well as a couple acoustic performances with well-known Nova Scotia singer/songwriter RyLee Madison. Should be a lot of fun and no doubt there will be some songwriting happening!
Regina Performance
Marny finishes off May at The Pump Roadhouse in Regina, May 27 & 28. If you're in the area, come on out, do some dancing, have some fun and say hi!
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Spring in Saskatchewan
Hello there! Thanks for checking out my website. Spring is trying so hard to happen here in Saskatchewan. I went for a walk this morning, the sun was shining beautifully and the birds were singing their songs, but man, was it cold. I had to wear long underwear, turtle neck, scarf, mitts, toque and a couple jackets. Yikes! Please send us some heat, God.
Things are good here in Girl Singer Land. Moving along a bit more everyday. I just came back from a great gig in Yorkton, Saskaskatchewan at the Painted Hand Casino. I love going to Yorkton. I like the friendly, small town atmosphere. Quite a farming community. Lots of half tons everywhere you look and quite a few doing burn outs at the traffic lights right by my hotel room – music to my ears at 4:00am. Great shopping in Yorkton also. I think I spent more than I made there this weekend and it seems to be the case everytime I go there.
Big news for me! I’ve been invited to sing for the Queen of England during her Saskatchewan visit. Quite an honor. I will be singing, “Who’s That Man”. Before I even knew the queen was coming to Lumsden, my song and I were going through different levels of approval. The host committee, the protocol office that handles the royal visits in Saskatchewan, and then the premier’s office. All that before I was aware of the entire event. I’m very proud to be able to go and sing some of my family history with war to the Queen and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh. Pray for me, please. I’m working on focusing for the event big time, but I’ve never been around royalty and it might be interesting for me to keep it together and be cool. I know I’ll do it, but sometimes I’m a little giddier than I’d like to be. Breathe, Marny, breathe.
Following my performance for the queen, I’m heading out to Nova Scotia for the first time ever. I’m going to hook up with my good friend, RyLee Madison and do some writing as well as visit a few radio stations. RyLee and I have a performance scheduled at my old friend Darcy’s lighthouse/bed and breakfast. I know it will be lots of fun sharing the stage with RyLee for the first time. I’m looking forward to seeing Darcy again. He was my next door neighbour for a few years growing up and he once gave me a frog for my birthday. I think I was turning 10 or maybe 12. I can still see him and our other neighbour, David, standing on my front step, looking down at the ice cream pail that held the frog. I’m laughing and smiling big remembering that.
Well, I better get my butt in gear. It’s grandparents day for my daughter, Josi, at the school today. She doesn’t have any grandparents here so I’m going to be a granny today. I think I’ll try and find a cane and an old sweater shawl thing and wobble in there for her. She’d be so unimpressed or “disapressed” as she would say – a cross between unimpressed and disappointed.
Take care and I’d love to hear from you.