Monday, May 16, 2005
Girl Singer News
National Organ Donor Awareness Week Marny was on hand to sing a couple songs to help kick off National Organ Donor Awareness Week, April 18.
Marny feels strongly about this cause, as she herself only has one kidney. Please talk to your family about your wishes.
Her Majesty Beckons
Marny is thrilled to announce that she has been invited to sing for the Queen of England during the Premier's Lunch, Wednesday, May 18.
Listen for an interview with Marny on CBC Radio One's "Roundup", Tuesday May 17 between 3:00-3:30 pm.
Before Marny knew anything about the exciting opportunity, the powers-that-be were listening to Marny's music and doing a background check to see if she would measure up. They then invited Marny to sing her song Who's That Man for the Queen. The song, which appears on Marny's debut album, is about some of her family history with war.
Wish her luck. She will be writing about the experience in her web journal, so check that out a couple days after May 18, '05! To find out more about the song or to purchase the album, check out
Hello Nova Scotia
Marny is heading east to Nova Scotia from May 19-26. She'll be doing a radio tour as well as a couple acoustic performances with well-known Nova Scotia singer/songwriter RyLee Madison. Should be a lot of fun and no doubt there will be some songwriting happening!
Regina Performance
Marny finishes off May at The Pump Roadhouse in Regina, May 27 & 28. If you're in the area, come on out, do some dancing, have some fun and say hi!