Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Getting Ready

May 17, 2005
Hello there. Thanks for checking out my website. Well, only one more sleep until I get to sing for the Queen. I am so excited. I'm honored that I get to sing a song that I wrote about my family history with war to the Queen and her husband, The Duke of Edinburgh as well as 600 other invited guests. I was at the rink last night for the official rehearsal for tomorrow's lunch. The place looks fantastic. I've never seen my local rink look so clean and so fancy. It's obvious folks have been working hard to prepare for the Queen's visit. There was a certain buzz in the air at the rink last night. Lots of smiling going on and laughter. Nervous laughter maybe, but joyful that our town is hosting the Queen for lunch. Everybody involved wants things to be just right for her. This "getting ready" thing is so fun. So I sang my song and it felt good. Her table will be only a few feet away from me. I'm trying so hard to stay grounded and not be goofy and flighty when I see her so close. There's at least a couple sides to me. One is a cool, gathered goddess and another is a big goof ball, kinda like a teenager. I'm expecting the grounded girl goddess to rise up tomorrow at noon. The goof ball teenager can push her way through after the Queen leaves Lumsden.

I have to be there at 11:00 am tomorrow. Once I get the girls off to school, I plan to do a major yoga session. Lots of focusing and meditating going on. Then I'll get good looking and head out. What do you think about a white suit? I plan to kick some serious ass tomorrow. Pray for me.

I'll let you know how it goes. Take care.
