Friday, March 11, 2005

Sad news

I got a call a week ago today early in the morning from my dad. I think it was 6:40 or so. He was quiet on the other end and he just said, "I think you know what I have to tell you." Those morning calls like that - yuck. They're so upsetting, surreal - holy smokes! Where's the truck that just hit me and in the same breath, I saw that truck coming for a long time so why am I so surprised? My Auntie Judy had died. She had been living with, suffering with, dying with ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Otherwise known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. She was a treasure to our family. One of seven kids from my dad's side and the only girl. She was 57 years old and so respected and loved by everyone in our family . She was so positive through her illness - never complained - never said, "poor me". She was a model patient and for 35 years she had been a great nurse with most of her career happening in Vernon, BC.

What I remember most about Judy and find so remarkable is that she was always so interested, genuinely interested in others, especially her family. She never had kids of her own so she took great interest in her many nieces and nephews. She really cared about every one of us and loved to talk and take time to find out what was happening in everyone's life. She took time to make others feel special and important. She was a real gem.

So we traveled to BC to be with my family to pay tribute to Judy. At her request I'm going to sing at her funeral. I knew this was coming and I want to do this, but man, I know it's going to be a tough gig. The songs she wants are "Peace In The Valley" and "Over The Rainbow" by Eva Cassidy. I sing those songs well, but I've been trying to block my emotions for a week so I can go and do what I want to - what she wanted me to do for her. Please, God, give me strength and keep me level and grounded so I can sing my absolute best for her and everyone there who loved her.

On a lighter note, the family supper we had last night was really nice. Why is it that we only all (I mean cousins, aunts and uncles) get together at funerals? That's one of the good things about a funeral, you get to see family you haven't seen for a long time. We had supper at my parent's friends' (Willy and Betty) restaurant. They closed it to the public so we got to have the place to ourselves. Josi, my 9 year old, was playing waitress. She had us all laughing when my aunt ordered Deep Fried Mushrooms. You see, Josi loves mushrooms, but had never ever heard of deep fried mushrooms. When my aunt placed the order with Josi, she tilted her head and asked very seriously, "Oh?! are those good? .... How do you spell that?" And away she went to place the order with the kitchen. She'd also sample some of the food as she was serving it and she did end up ordering herself a huge plate of deep fried mushrooms. The girl cracks me up.

To learn more about ALS, check out Take care and thanks for checking out my website. I'd love to hear from you.
