Friday, November 10, 2006

Hello there from Girl Singer Land.

Posted by Marny's webmaster

I hope this finds you safe and well. This year marks the 80th Anniversary of the Legions in Canada. I was fortunate to be able to perform at a fundraiser for Legion #001 which is in Regina, Saskatchewan. Imagine that! Legion #001 right here under my nose. There were performances from Eileen Laverty, La Raquette à Claquettes, John McDermott and myself. Pamela Wallen gave an amazing and thought-provoking speech about Canada's involvement in the war.

Parts of the fundraiser, which was called "A Night To Remember", will be edited and aired on CBC's National Broadcast of "Sounds Like Canada" on Friday, November 10 at 10:00 am. If you can, tune in to your local CBC radio station or check it out on the web at In the picture above I am standing with legendary tenor John McDermott and my friend Corporal Jamie Sinclair, who recently served in Afghanistan. This weekend I'm going to take time to remember the efforts of our veterans of the past, and show my support for the soldiers involved with the war today. I hope you will find some time to do the same. Take care and God bless.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pinch & A Punch, First of the Month

Hello There!

I hope you had a great Halloween. We did here. I've been eating my girls candy non stop since they came home last night. I warned them that they shouldn't eat too much or they would get a tummy ache. However, it's me who has a belly ache from non stop eating. You know I would never go out and buy a normal size chocolate bar. I just don't eat them. But those little ones at Halloween - I'm sure they're connected! I'll eat 15 of them at once - okay maybe only 4 or 5 an hour, I'm addicted.

Things with my book, "Linger", are going really well. Fantastic actually. Megan (the illustrator) and I have been busy going to schools and libraries to give book talks. It's fantastic to go and share the book and the process of making a book with students and teachers. Thanks to all the schools and libraries that have opened your doors to us. I think people are really enjoying the book and at the same time, they're hearing my music as well. I love that! I'm reaching an audience that I never would have reached with just my CD. My plan is to travel throughout Saskatchewan talking about my book, Linger, and performing my song, "Linger", (plus a few more) and then branching off to the neighbouring provinces and eventually all of Canada and then look out USA.

This is just a quick blog. I hope things are well in your world and I'd love to hear from you.
