Friday, November 10, 2006

Hello there from Girl Singer Land.

Posted by Marny's webmaster

I hope this finds you safe and well. This year marks the 80th Anniversary of the Legions in Canada. I was fortunate to be able to perform at a fundraiser for Legion #001 which is in Regina, Saskatchewan. Imagine that! Legion #001 right here under my nose. There were performances from Eileen Laverty, La Raquette à Claquettes, John McDermott and myself. Pamela Wallen gave an amazing and thought-provoking speech about Canada's involvement in the war.

Parts of the fundraiser, which was called "A Night To Remember", will be edited and aired on CBC's National Broadcast of "Sounds Like Canada" on Friday, November 10 at 10:00 am. If you can, tune in to your local CBC radio station or check it out on the web at In the picture above I am standing with legendary tenor John McDermott and my friend Corporal Jamie Sinclair, who recently served in Afghanistan. This weekend I'm going to take time to remember the efforts of our veterans of the past, and show my support for the soldiers involved with the war today. I hope you will find some time to do the same. Take care and God bless.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pinch & A Punch, First of the Month

Hello There!

I hope you had a great Halloween. We did here. I've been eating my girls candy non stop since they came home last night. I warned them that they shouldn't eat too much or they would get a tummy ache. However, it's me who has a belly ache from non stop eating. You know I would never go out and buy a normal size chocolate bar. I just don't eat them. But those little ones at Halloween - I'm sure they're connected! I'll eat 15 of them at once - okay maybe only 4 or 5 an hour, I'm addicted.

Things with my book, "Linger", are going really well. Fantastic actually. Megan (the illustrator) and I have been busy going to schools and libraries to give book talks. It's fantastic to go and share the book and the process of making a book with students and teachers. Thanks to all the schools and libraries that have opened your doors to us. I think people are really enjoying the book and at the same time, they're hearing my music as well. I love that! I'm reaching an audience that I never would have reached with just my CD. My plan is to travel throughout Saskatchewan talking about my book, Linger, and performing my song, "Linger", (plus a few more) and then branching off to the neighbouring provinces and eventually all of Canada and then look out USA.

This is just a quick blog. I hope things are well in your world and I'd love to hear from you.


Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by Marny's webmaster
Wow! I have so much to be thankful for here in Girl Singer Land. I'd be here all day counting my blessings, but on the short list are: my family (pets included), my friends, my health, my home, the road I'm on in the music business, and now the the road I'm on in the book business. What are you thankful for?

I had a great weekend in Regina SK, launching my book, Linger. (That's me above with the wonderful illustrator of the book, Megan Mansbridge.) The book is being very well received by children and parents alike. I'll be heading to Saskatoon on Wednesday, October 11 for a book signing and performance at McNally Robinson, 3130 8th Street East at 8:30 pm. If you're in the Saskatoon area, please come on out and say hi to me and check out my new book.

Also this Wednesday, you can catch me on the CTV Saskatoon "News at Noon", talking with Jeff Rogstad about my book. I will also be stopping by Hot 93FM to talk with Andrea Everitt, and CJWW to talk with Jay Richards on "Made In Canada" about the developments in my music career, as well as my new career as an author.

For more on me and what's happening in October, and/or to purchase the book Linger visit

Take care and I really would like to hear what you're thankful for.
Talk to you soon,

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A new announcement...

Posted by Marny's webmaster

Listen to CBC Radio today! I'll be speaking about my new book, Linger, with Jen Gibson on The Noon Edition. The Noon Edition is undergoing some renovations, including a new name, which will be unveiled today. The talented illustrator of Linger, Megan Mansbridge, will be with me as well!

Air time: approximately 12:15pm, Tuesday, September 5 on CBC Radio
If you live in Saskatchewan: 540 on the am dial
If you live anywhere else in the world: (choose Regina button)

Book signings and art shows will take place on:
  • Wednesday, September 6, the first official book launch and art show, 6:30-8:30 pm at the Lumsden Library, Lumsden SK
  • Thursday, September 14 from 6:00-8:00 pm at The Last Mountain Lake Cultural Centre, Regina Beach, SK
  • Friday, September 29 from 7:00-9:00 pm at the Saskatchewan Cultural Exchange Society, 2431 8th Ave, Regina, SK
  • Saturday, September 30 from 1:00-3:00 pm at the Book and Brier Patch, 4065 Albert St, Regina, SK
If you can't make it to one of these events or if you'd like an advance copy of the book, you can purchase Linger via my website, You can also hear my song, "Linger" on my website at

Take care!

Monday, August 28, 2006


Posted by Marny's webmaster

It's finally here! I just got my book, Linger, back from the printer. The book is an extension of my song "Linger", which is about a mother's bittersweet feelings of loss and pride on her child's first day of school. The talented artist, Megan Mansbridge - also from Lumsden, has beautifully illustrated the book, which incorporates the setting of Saskatchewan's picturesque Qu'Appelle Valley.

The first official Linger book launch and art show takes place on Wednesday, September 5 from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Lumsden Library in my hometown of Lumsden, Saskatchewan. If you're in the area and can make it out, please come and say hello to Megan (the talented illustrator) and me. We'd be happy to sign a copy of the book for you and show you the original artwork for the book.

Other book signings and art shows will take place on:
  • Thursday, September 14 from 6:00-8:00 pm at The Last Mountain Lake Cultural Centre, Regina Beach, SK
  • Friday, September 29 from 7:00-9:00 pm at the Saskatchewan Cultural Exchange Society, 2431 8th Ave, Regina, SK
  • Saturday, September 30 from 1:00-3:00 pm at the Book and Brier Patch, 4065 Albert St, Regina, SK
If you can't make it to one of these events or if you'd like an advance copy of the book, you can purchase Linger via my website, You can also hear my song, "Linger" on my website at

Take care and it'd be great to hear from you.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Hello There,

How are things? It's Sunday, August 27, 2006 about 8:35 am. My house is still quiet. The girls are taking their last oportunity to sleep in before school starts again tomorrow. They tell me they're not ready, but I think they are anxious to get back into a routine - okay, maybe it's me who's anxious to get them back into a routine. We've had a wonderful summer here at our place - some great gigs, a few trips to the beach, friends having sleep overs, a couple summer movies and shopping for back to school supplies and clothes.

On top of all that, my book, "Linger", was finished and is back from the printers - hot off the press! It looks beautiful! Megan Mansbridge did the illustrations and they are over the top. Heather Nickel from Your Nickel's Worth Publishing put the book together. There is absolutely nothing secondary about this book. I believe it is world class and I'm so excited to get out there and launch it. We start in my hometown, Lumsden, at the Lumsden Library with the first launch on Wednesday, Sept 5 from 6:30 - 8:30. The actual framed illustrations will be there also. I'm really looking forward to showing this project off. You can check out my appearances page for more release dates.

I've been selling a few copies of the book prior to the release and it's kinda funny how easy they sell compared to a CD. Maybe I shouldn't say that, but they sell easy. People aren't just wanting one or two - they want five or six to give as gifts. Great for baby showers, mom's just sending their kids to school for the first time, mom's sending their kids to university for the first time, grandma's, grandpas, aunts, uncles, friends, foes - great for just about anybody. I know the book will be a great addition at my shows.

On the music front of things, I'm feeling like it's time for me to do some major writing to prepare for a sophomore CD. I'll be busy over the next few months writing and acquiring material. I'm looking forward to seeing what I come up with.

My dog, Reg, is begging for his morning walk. I'm going to go do that and then maybe make some waffles - in the mood for waffles.

Take care and I'd love to hear from you.


Friday, August 04, 2006

Hello there!

Posted by Marny's webmaster

Hope you're having a great summer. I sure am, but, dang it, it's going fast. July was great in Girl Singer Land. I had my whole entire family here for the first week in July. Tons of fun and nobody got hurt - bonus. I also had some fantastic gigs throughout July:
  • Canada Day in Wascana Park (Regina)
  • The Craven Country Jamboree (this was over-the-top fun)
  • The Taste of Regina (where my daughter, Mae, joined me for four songs and an encore - the future of Canadian Country Music is sound)
  • The Pump Roadhouse (always a great time and hey! they're nominated for CCMA Club of the Year)
...and now, I've been invited to open for Terri Clark at the Molson Grand Stand at the Buffalo Days Exhibition in Regina this coming Sunday, August 6 at 7:30 pm. If you're in the area, come on out and enjoy some great music.

On a side note, my book, "Linger", is now at the printers and I'm planning a fall release. It looks fantatstic!

Take care and I'd love to hear from you.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Summer is here!

Posted by Marny's webmaster
I'm looking forward to gigging outside, feeling the sun on my face and swallowing the odd bug while I sing. Things are great here in Girl Singer Land. I just celebrated another birthday. Like many women, I lie about my age. When people ask me how old I am, I tell them I'm 50. They drop their jaws and tell me how good I look for my age. Try this, girls, it's fun.

Some great gigs happening in the next month:
  • Canada Day in Wascana Park (Regina), main stage, 7:30 pm - just before the Northern Pikes hit the stage. My talented and beautiful daughter, Mae will be joining me for the last few songs of my set. Come and check her out - she is fantastic.
  • Craven Country Jamboree in the Beer Gardens. Thursday, July 13 at 1:00am and Saturday, July 15 at 9:00pm. These are going to be high energy shows and I can't wait.
  • Taste of Regina, Thursday, July 20 at 7:00pm. Come have supper in the park and listen to some great music.
  • Friday and Saturday, July 21 & 22 at the Pump Roadhouse (Regina). It's been too long since I've played there and I'm looking forward to heading back to this fantastic establishment.
I hope you have a great summer and if you can't make any of these shows, please drop me a line to say hi.

Take care,

p.s. My book, "Linger", will be ready late August. It's going to be beautiful!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

May. Day

Hurray, Hurray, first day of May! Outside _________ begins today! You fill in the blank.

I hope things are well in your world. I first want to say hello to Sean and Darlene from Nokomis. We saw them at a wedding on April 29th. Hey Sean and Darlene! Thanks for being so interested in my music career and so supportive. I appreciate it big time. I always enjoy seeing you two and I know Trev does also. I hope you're having a great spring up there in Nokomis.

Things are great in Girl Singer Land. I survived the winter. I always feel like I've really accomplished a huge task after getting through another Saskatchewan winter. The wind and the cold and the dark can slow me down. Maybe I'm cold blooded like a frog - things just kinda quite moving much in the winter.

I did attend a great songwriting workshop sponsored by Sask Music in Saskatoon. They brought in Dean McTaggart, Ralph Murphay and James Dean Hicks. Huge master songwriters. Lots to learn from them and lots of fun with other Saskatchewan songwriters. I've been to a couple workshops that Ralph Murphay has been leading. Both times he spoke about a woman who recently wrote a book that made it to the best sellers list. He told of how for many years she went to workshops around the states to learn more about writing a book. After years of hard work and determination, she ended up with a novel on the best seller's list. A wonderful, encouraging story and I can't help but think Ralph is looking right at me everytime he tells this story. Maybe its his way of saying, "Don't give up."

Giving up, I'm not. I came home from that workshop and formed a small writing group with other Sask writers. We are writing from a title whenever we get together. Actually, the title is given prior to getting together and everyone writes from the same title and then comes and shares what we've come up with. Really interesting to see how a few people can come up with so many different views of the same title. I'm digging it and I'm writing more than I've written in a while.

On the home front things are going great. I'm assistant coaching Josi's softball team. Twelve 10 year olds learning to play ball. Fun and frustrating at the same time. Last week, the centerfield player let a ball go by her because she was doing her hair. This week, the second base player let one by her because she was practicing her dance moves. I played softball growing up and it's funny how much of what my coaches said to me all those years ago is coming back to me. Haven't won a game quite yet, but I can see definite improvement in these little athletes.

And, I'm playing ball as well this year. I joined the ladies softball team in Lumsden. Those girls can play. No fooling around there. I had to giddyup big time to keep up. I was more nervous my first time up to bat than I was when I sang for the Queen last year. Yikes. I hit it. Not hard and not far, but I hit it. I'm either going to have to take some time in the batting cage with a private coach or jump in front of the ball for a walk if I'm going to get on bass.

Girls just got home from school. I better go get supper happening. Josi has a big ball game tonight.

Take care and I'd love to hear from you soon.


Monday, May 22, 2006

"Girl Singer Heads West!"

Hope this finds you healthy and happy. Life is vibrant as ever here in Girl Singer Land. I'm heading west for a short tour over the May long weekend. Check out my appearances page for details of the tour. Really looking forward to smelling that mountain air and hearing my yodels bounce off the Rockies.

I started a writing group that meets a couple times a month. We've been at it since February. We pick a new title at the end of each session and then everyone goes home and writes from the same title using their own perspective. Some interesting stuff coming out of these meetings. I'm digging it and I'm writing more than I have in a long time.

My book, "Linger", is taking wonderful shape. The artist, Megan Mansbridge, is almost done the illustrations. I'll keep you posted on its fall release. It's going to be fantastic!

On the homefront, I've taken on the duties of Assistant Coach for Josi's (our youngest daughter's) softball team. Lots of fun teaching these young ones how to play ball. I'm trying hard not to be too competitive, but I've got them all on a nutritious eating regime and strict exercise plan - just kidding.

Mae (our middle one) has been busy singing a bit and playing the piano, but her biggest dilemma is deciding what to wear to school the next day and figuring out how to do her hair. She really cracks me up with how serious she is about it. Crystal (our oldest) is graduating at the end of May. Wow! how times flies - Johnny Reid knows what he's talking about in his latest song. Better go pack for the tour west. Take care and I'd love to hear from you.


p.s. The bass playing is coming along. I love it! I'll be breaking it out for a few songs during this tour.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Hello there!

Posted by Marny's webmaster

I hope you're having a good spring so far. The run-off was moving like crazy at our house last week. It took Josi (my youngest daughter) less than 5 seconds to get her first boot full when she went out to play and her dad wasn't far behind her.

Things are great here in Girl Singer Land. I've been busy practicing on my new acoustic bass I bought a month or so ago. I'm addicted to that thing! I expect to be ready to bring it out for my performances in May. I'll keep you posted on when and where that will be. All you bass players need not be intimated, I'm not that good (not yet, anyway).

In the meantime, I'm very excited to be opening for one of my favorite Canadian artists, Lisa Brokop. Dates include:

April 19, 8:00pm, Mae Wilson Theatre, Moose Jaw SK
April 20, 8:00pm, Casino Regina, Regina SK

Call 1-306-565-3000 for tickets. You won't be disappointed - I promise.

I will also be performing to help kick off National Organ Donor Awareness Week in Regina on April 24th, 11:30am at the F.W. Hill Mall. (I only have one kidney and encourage everyone to consider organ donation). Come on down and hear some music, say hello, and listen to some incredible stories from organ recipients, organ donors and people waiting for organs.

Check out my website, for more info on me and my upcoming appearances.

Take care, and I hope to hear from you soon!


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Spring is on its way!

Posted by Marny's webmaster

Spring is on its way! I can feel the thaw coming on in my area. The days are getting longer and the birds are singing louder and I love it. I always feel stronger after surviving a Saskatchewan winter. Things are great in Girl Singer Land. Spent a lot of the past two months getting my girls to basketball games and dance lessons and making muffins. Serious mom stuff. I did take a weekend in February to attend a writer’s workshop in Saskatoon. It was fantastic to be around 30 other Saskatchewan songwriters and learn from some sensational pros: Ralph Murphy, James Dean Hicks and Dean McTaggart. Thanks to SRIA for putting this event together.

Big news! I just bought myself an acoustic bass guitar. I haven’t been this excited about a new toy since the Christmas when I was six and I got a purple Barbie Van. I can’t leave it alone. All I want to do is play my bass. You can bet I’ll be busting it out during my acoustic shows real soon.

I had a great time in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan at the Northern Lights Casino. Thanks Paul Lomheim for the gig. I also had the opportunity to watch the world class Country North Show that Paul produced. Over-the-top talent up north!

To check out more on Marny visit

upcoming shows

Here's what's up for me in the weeks ahead:

Tim Horton's Brier, Regina Exhibition Park, Saturday March 11, 5:15-6:15 pm. Come one, Come all! We're gonna raise the roof!

Saskatchewan Country Music Awards, Nipawin, SK, Friday, March 17 to Sunday, March 19. I'll be playing at the Kick Off Party, President's Dinner, Songwriter's Cafe, Awards Show and, no doubt, the lobby of the hotel. Just try and keep me from the stage. I'm also delighted to say I've been nominated for Female Vocalist of the Year.

Opening for Lisa Brokop, Wednesday, April 19 at Casino Moose Jaw and Thursday, April 20 at Casino Regina.

The release of my book, "Linger", has been moved forward to the fall. The artwork is coming along beautifully and I'm very excited about this project. I'll keep you posted on its progress.

I hope life is good for you. Take care and I'd love to hear from you.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope you had a great holiday season. We sure did at the Duncan-Cary house. We recently finished an addition on our very small home. The new space is wonderful! I have my own bathroom off my bedroom. I even have a door on my bedroom now! Woo Hoo! The girls have their own rooms also which is a big change for them. They've been sharing a room for almost 6 years now. 9 out of 10 nights when I check on them before I go to bed, they're sleeping together. Funny thing that is.

Lots of family and friends over the holidays. Lots of laughs, lots of food and lots of booze. Today, not only am I on the wagon, I'm also on the treadmill. Always the same every January. Every magazine on the check out stand has diet secrets and quick ways to lose that last 10 pounds. Seems every time I make an attempt to lose those last 10 pounds that's all I can think about. I start a diet in the morning and I'm surprised and disappointed when I haven't trimmed down by noon. What's up with that? I'm going to trick myself this year by not going on a diet to lose those last 10 extra pounds. I'll secretly step up the pace on my treadmill and maybe balance a bit more on the wagon, and enjoy carrots rather than cookies for a snack, at least for today. One of these tomorrow's I'll be rid of those 10 extra pounds.

Music wise, I have three main focuses this winter:

1. Get things ready for the release of my book in April. Yes, I'm publishing a book. I'm having my song, "Linger", illustrated into storybook form by a great artist, Megan Mansbridge. We are hoping for a release just prior to Mother's Day. If you're not familiar with the song already, check out the lyrics and have a listen under the music section of my website. The song has been going over extremely well at my live shows and I wanted to put the story into book form. I'll keep you posted on the release and where it will be available for purchase.

2. Write, write, write, and get ready for my sophomore album.

3. Broaden my audience.

So, it's busy here in Girl Singer Land. Onward and upward.

I hope your 2006 is off to a good start. Take care and I'd love to hear from you.
