Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pinch & A Punch, First of the Month

Hello There!

I hope you had a great Halloween. We did here. I've been eating my girls candy non stop since they came home last night. I warned them that they shouldn't eat too much or they would get a tummy ache. However, it's me who has a belly ache from non stop eating. You know I would never go out and buy a normal size chocolate bar. I just don't eat them. But those little ones at Halloween - I'm sure they're connected! I'll eat 15 of them at once - okay maybe only 4 or 5 an hour, I'm addicted.

Things with my book, "Linger", are going really well. Fantastic actually. Megan (the illustrator) and I have been busy going to schools and libraries to give book talks. It's fantastic to go and share the book and the process of making a book with students and teachers. Thanks to all the schools and libraries that have opened your doors to us. I think people are really enjoying the book and at the same time, they're hearing my music as well. I love that! I'm reaching an audience that I never would have reached with just my CD. My plan is to travel throughout Saskatchewan talking about my book, Linger, and performing my song, "Linger", (plus a few more) and then branching off to the neighbouring provinces and eventually all of Canada and then look out USA.

This is just a quick blog. I hope things are well in your world and I'd love to hear from you.
